Biggest problem with conventional systems: contamination

Algoliner offers the solution: the use of aseptic flanges!

Cut through pig in conventional system

Cut through pig in aseptic flange


Aseptic flanges are well known from the pharmaceutical and food industries (DIN 11864). Algoliner is the first company to realize transparent aseptic flanges. To implement these aseptic flanges, we had to carry out extensive FEM analyzes beforehand in order to validate our concept.


Algoliner solution before cleaning: view from the outside

Algoliner solution before cleaning: endoscopic view from the inside

Algoliner solution after cleaning: view from the outside

Algoliner solution after cleaning: endoscopic view from the inside

Conventional EPDM seals
Considered to be physiologically critical.

Like glass, silicones are based on an SI structure and are therefore considered physiologically harmless. We decided to only use transparent silicone as sealing material.

All models developed and built by Algoliner can be used in our tubes.